Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Monday, June 21, 2010

at the rod price

I've been leaving the body at the door:

i'm starving for a BLT. Hobby list:
Paul McMcMcCartney & Wings: "let Me Roll It" (I'm sensitive to him re: Linda's death)
Not it being this hot but going out there anyway. Today I'm in search of an A/C old Marbled -cool place.
Henry Roth which is basically researching my grandfather
Foghat's Self-Titled.
Spending Money

Saturday, June 19, 2010

fog hat

Thursday, June 17, 2010

hot topics

ask yourself what'll distinguish each day (wag of the finger)
look at all that gearrrrr.... i think its probably a nice day out.

inspiring parking job:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


that was last weekend in zion grove, pa at my pals wedding. very idyllic and memorable.
did not take shrooms, but i could have and would n't have freaked out probably.
i really liked driving back too. Small, small, town america:

i'm not sure but i think coal left, leaving the people of these towns to fend for themselves.
Peter Stuyvesant: last dutch director of New Amsterdam colony.
Waldorf-Astor: statesman, financier.
"dude ranching' is recreational ranching.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

not doing this things adams trying to make me do

this guy tried to friend me on facebuch:

PHOTOSHOOT de la mexico.
here's 'snippets' from a failed photo session with my main amigos (el hermanos: Saturnino y Silvino) at the job site:

i dunno why they wouldnt pose. some fear or something

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


texas last month:
