Thursday, February 14, 2008

jerry highlund

here;s to alternate spellings of one's own name!
tommorow is very special mommy!
his birthday:

adam "dave-dinger-flinger" davies, is a man at 23. and if you havn;t seen his special
stuff, whell:

and i hope hes not mad i did him blog-style but.

tommorow is a very special day for the people you care about.
if you're married than tommorow is a nice time to
talk about how much you love eachother! and also to mess up through insensitivity.

to all my valentines. special spooning shoutouts.

1 comment:

add em' said...

of course i don't mind boy...
it was very thoughtful of you. you should put a huge amount of your pictures on the internet, so then everyone can see them, and you can make money...cause thats how it works. but seriously, you should.
i had fun watching the worst band in the world with you tonight boy.
love you,