too long too long. deep viral nasal infection is what you get on the east coast. its playoff time. look at this beautiful picture of Sam Cassell. this is what its like to party with him. but it might be funner when you're there? i hope so. behold the vast fruits of photoshop mixed in with some internet gusto: bahahahhha. (for those of you not in the wise; thats NBA superstars tim duncan and dikembe mutumbo.) there are alot of those at that website. why are links hard to figure out. I've read about this great adventure of the Northwest Passage: Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. Spending winters waiting for ice to break, befriending local Inuits. dying from hunger and frostbite, etc. Look at this Crew!: and this clip from cy's guidance. this is passion.
i've been really pumping away at the chicken shack and have one more day before a longbreak. mailer. I think of him often. theres a fire that i cant resist. look at that face. also: feel good about that
I may or may not be Back into wrestling, Look at the spark and imagination: and the best of all, Paul Bearer: The Undertaker's longtime confidant and 'manager,' Bearer wished all opponents death! Here he is with Reba! regis.
Sup wit those images below? all big and stuff?! anywyas: Our New outfits brought to you by Old Navy: what grace. what grease: the newly retired work shoes. get dirty. tonight: the 'crew' for Nightvision (as advertised below) rehearsal last night was a hot and sweaty four hours. tonight in the night at the The Artistery on Division.
Attention. The Nightvision. Music by Joey, my friend and Video fun by Adam Davies. I know that this is going to really pretty becasue of Joey and Adam. on the other front of things that are happening. check out how many jokes this guy pulls off in one joke! Ha!