Sunday, April 27, 2008


too long too long. deep viral nasal infection is what you get on the east coast.
its playoff time. look at this beautiful picture of Sam Cassell.

this is what its like to party with him. but it might be funner when you're there?

i hope so. behold the vast fruits of photoshop mixed in with some internet gusto:

bahahahhha. (for those of you not in the wise; thats NBA superstars tim duncan and dikembe mutumbo.)
there are alot of those at
that website. why are links hard to figure out. I've read about this great adventure of the Northwest Passage:

Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.
Spending winters waiting for ice to break, befriending local Inuits.
dying from hunger and frostbite, etc. Look at this Crew!:

and this clip from cy's guidance. this is passion.

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