Tuesday, June 9, 2009

on the corner

just images. no internet at the house (comcast hoops)
on the corner. two discussions going on here:
less woodwinds in the first movement
website specifications.
smells like pizza. i can see two organic baby stores, two volvos and two subarus.
one runner, one biker.

also my camera took a swim in vitamin water (ribose)
aleva shalom.

streets quotes:
"it just makes it okay being human, making mistakes,, moving on..."
"i'm confused.. they just had the grammys... did they somehow,,,, did they??? .... (lots of hand motions)"
swish swash of white linen pants on middle aged dumpy white woman
"courtney spoke so highly of you"
"she originally did the choreography"
"singing, you know, the singing wasnt there"
"this happened last year when i thought, i was having a private conversation about Bill..."

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