Thursday, October 15, 2009

benny jonny

in that congressional shot, that guy on the left was having sex with that guy's wife and then bought him out to quiet the man. he was his pal and just did his wife but then got him a cushy six figure job. Sneator john ensign . ive never done anything that involved memos. and once the justice department cares about you . its probably all uphill.

how we feel about stuff:

how we feel about stuff:

mostly thought of ten thousand ideas: super bowls should be held
on the great battlefields of america. only tv coverage and the teams themselves. no doctors.
indians were give shrubs, flat tiring land, '89 white dodge caravans and are forced to go for the vikings.
a lot of people go to jimmy kimmel's house to watch football - bunch of other things, im just a 'jew fag' when i'm not on the right parts of the coast.

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